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The Cliff House

Hardcover / ISBN-13: 9781408712177

Price: £18.99

ON SALE: 28th July 2022

Genre: Fiction & Related Items / Thriller / Suspense

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‘Chris Brookmyre is a genius, every new book of his is a cause for celebration’ — RICHARD OSMAN

‘Keeps you guessing until the very end after an avalanche of revelations and twists’ — THE TIMES, BOOK OF THE MONTH

One hen weekend, seven secrets… but only one worth killing for

Jen’s hen party is going to be out of control…

She’s rented a luxury getaway on its own private island. The helicopter won’t be back for seventy-two hours. They are alone. They think.

As well as Jen, there’s the pop diva and the estranged ex-bandmate, the tennis pro and the fashion guru, the embittered ex-sister-in-law and the mouthy future sister-in-law.

It’s a combustible cocktail, one that takes little time to ignite, and in the midst of the drunken chaos, one of them disappears. Then a message tells them that unless someone confesses her terrible secret to the others, their missing friend will be killed.

Problem is, everybody has a secret. And nobody wants to tell.


‘Strikingly original and definitively Brookmyre – there’s nothing he can’t do’
Mick Herron

‘I recommend The Cut SO HIGHLY! A fast-paced thriller, lovely characters, [and] it kept me guessing’
Marian Keyes

‘A twisty spiralling rabbit hole of a book that draws you deeper with every chapter. Brilliantly original, compulsively readable, right to the final page’
Ruth Ware

‘Dark, heartfelt, stylish and thrilling, the kind of wonderfully original tale I just adore. Chris Brookmyre is a storytelling mastermind’
Chris Whitaker

‘This is a special novel. A brilliant, original, up-to-the-minute tale with all of the dark, edgy, humorous brilliance we’ve come to expect from one of the finest crime fiction writers in the world’
Abir Mukherjee


Chris Brookmyre is a genius, every new book of his is a cause for celebration
Richard Osman
Brookmyre orchestrates the proceedings with assurance and a deep sense of mischief. Wonderfully entertaining
Crime Time
A deliciously twisting, chilling read
Woman's Own
Irresistibly thrilling, Brookmyre proves he's a master of suspense
Tightly plotted and a lot of fun, this is perfect poolside reading
His wit and sheer storytelling skill make it seem wonderfully fresh
Brookmyre is an experienced and skilful hand who drives his story along at a gallop
The Scotsman
Brookmyre is always a class act and it is a pleasure to be back in the hands of one of our best crime writers with this clever, propulsive thriller with a whole lot of heart
There are dozens of novels based on Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None, but Christopher Brookmyre's ingenious take is by far the best I have read. He makes you feel for and fear each character. He keeps you guessing until the very end - after an avalanche of revelations and twists.
The Times (Book of the Month)
Irresistibly thrilling, Brookmyre proves he's a master of suspense
Irish Sun
A suspenseful and atmospheric thriller
The Herald
Brookmyre's psychological acuity that sets him apart from many other thriller writers . . . It's as if he has climbed like a magician inside our heads.
The Lady
Among his best yet . . . a killer twist and an upbeat conclusion
Sunday Post
Brookmyre has great fun with his Agatha Christie homage
Irish Times
Brookmyre's wit and storytelling skills invigorate
Sunday Express
It's only August but it has me thinking of my books of the year already
Crime Thriller Lover (blog)
You know you're in experienced hands from the off... A great read for the holidays
The List
Brookmyre's familiar sardonic prose is pleasingly in place
Financial Times
